It is unfortunately quite common for me to hear that women are being laughed at about their natural hair. I remember at the African Hair Summit 2016, a beautiful black girl called JennyBlack confidently narrated her story on how she was constantly mocked because of her short natural hair and dark skin but she went on to say something that impressed everyone in the room. She mentioned that even though she was being put down by those people, she refused to allow it get to her. She also found confidence through watching celebrities like Kate Henshaw on television who wore their natural hair in movies and on the red carpet.
Yes, representation matters…
So that brings me to the subject of this article:
2 Reasons People Laugh About Your Natural Hair
Firstly, you need to know you are not the problem. Your hair is NOT the problem. They are.
Anyone who laughs, mocks or jeers at your hair simply has a problem with themselves. Their mindsets are not capable of seeing the beauty of your kinks and curls and that is NOT your problem. Always remember that.
Secondly, lack of representation.
There are not enough naturally kinky haired black women being projected in a good light on television. If our daughters, sisters and even mothers don’t see women on television that look like them, they would subconsciously grow to dislike what they look like and want to keep up with international beauty standards. Of course, this is not an excuse, no one has the right to make you feel any less because their mind cannot see the beauty of your hair but the more kinky haired naturals are represented on ad campaigns and more, the more we can influence and inspire those who are being marginalised just because of their beautiful kinky, curly, coily, afro textured hair.
Why do you think some people are very negative about natural hair? Share your experiences in the comment section below and don’t forget to share this post!